Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Full Pantry -3 month food supply

How is everyone doing on their water storage? I have 2 one-gallon jugs so far.

Because today is Today's the Day: Thursday we will continue to talk about our emergency preparedness goals.  There are so many different ways to prepare for and emergency it can be overwhelming to decide what to store, how much, and where.  I have done a lot of blog surfing and searching the web on this subject and this is my conclusion:  There is no 1 right or wrong way to do it -there is only what works for you and your family.  When it comes to storing food...eventually you should have a 1 year supply.  Let's just start with a three month supply.  This food should all be foods that your family eat often and are familiar with.

To find out what foods you need.  As a family decide on about 28 dinners and 14 breakfasts that are your go-to meals.  Make a list of the meals and all the ingredients it takes to make each meal (include side dishes, veggies, bread, ect.)  Try to make the meal a balanced one.  Now triple the amount of ingredients for the dinners and multiply the ingredients of the breakfasts by 6.  This will give you enough food for 3 months!  Now make a grocery list with all the ingredients you need and purchase a few of these things in addition to your regular shopping each week.  Soon you will have a 3 month food supply.

I used this worksheet.  It is perfect for this project and there is a video tutorial on how to use it.  This is also helpful for college students.  This blog is also very helpful!

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