Thursday, October 3, 2013

Camberly Days 0-6

0-24 Hours Old
Tuesday September 24th 2013.  Camberly Rose Hall was born at 10:55 am.  She weighed 8 lbs. 3 oz. and was 20 in. long.  She was 12 days overdue but so worth the wait.  

1 Day Old
September 25th.  Baby girl got a hold of Daddy's thumb and his heart.  Camberly was fairly quiet and didn't cry much.  She liked that binkie for a day or 2 and then stopped taking it.  We set off the alarm when we went on a little family walk around the floor. Oops. We were so cramped as we shared a room with another family.  Anthony slept on a wooden chair hunched over with his head on the bottom of my bed. 

2 Days Old
September 26th.  We were released from the hospital and took Camberly to meet her Uncle Tony on our way home.  He got to see her through the glass of the hospital nursery the day before, but this was his first time holding her.  His face says it all.  Anthony and I got to take a nice nap while the family passed her around. Then we went home!

3 Days Old
September 27th.  It was so nice to be home just the 3 of us.  We went on our first family walk around the neighborhood.  

4 Days Old
September 28th.  We went to Camberly's first doctors appointment.  She had lost 6% of her birth weight when we left the hospital and at her appointment she had gained weight and was only down 4%.  She peed all over the scale when they weighed her.  This picture was taken at the end of our long day.  I love how tiny she is in Daddy's hands.

5 Days Old
September 29th.  Happy Sunday.  Mom flew solo for the first time while Anthony went to church.  The Wardle clan came over and got some good snuggles in while I cleaned up the house as much as I could.

6 Days Old
September 30th.  This was a super busy day for Camberly and I.  We were away from Daddy for more than 10 hours straight.  We drove to San Jose for an appointment with the lactation consultant.  We went and visited Grandpa Wardle at his office.